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Friday, 26 July 2024

Painting purple flowers part 1


This is a painting that started back in 2017 when I was at my Costa Rica trip. I stayed at a place that had these beautiful. Thunbergia Grandiflora (Blue Sky Flower) handing in many places. these are one of my favorite flowers and I couldn't get enough of seeing them. 

I was going through some older paintings and I found this one that I started back in 2018. So I decided that its time to give this paining some love and finish my project. 

I've been working up the vibrancy of the colors making some areas more realistic while other areas more painterly. The goal is to capture the lovely feeling I got from seeing the beauty of the flowers and the tropical paradise I got to visit. 

This is still a work in progress. So stay tuned! 

Monday, 15 July 2024

Painting journal and location

 After a few years, returning to the location of a painting I made. I will never forget the places I painted. Life is a series of moments. So its nice to save the peaceful ones and make them into art. 

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Fun creative drawing exercise

 Hello everyone!

Today I wanted to share a fun drawing exercise I saw online. It's good for when one is experiencing an artist block or just lacking ideas and have artists block. This exercise I did in procreate, but you can use any medium. 

Step 1

Open up a blank page and create a bunch of shapes and splotches. Don't worry about them looking good right now. Just focus on making interesting shapes and you can play around with different brushes, colors and textures. 

Step 2

Now once you have your shapes complete. Use a drawing, inking or line tool to draw what you see in these shapes. it could be anything, an object, character, landscape, face, anything you see and have fun!

It's interesting what your mind come up with. I find looking back to the original, the mind cannot unsee the characters. That maybe would not of come up with on the spot. This is a quick way to go from blank to something interesting. Also be sure not to judge the work to harshly, as it is an exercise.

Happy drawing!

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Painting Journal work Part 3

More watercolour and gouache studies from my travels in Quebec and Ontario. Illustrated memories from my water colour journal.

A painting of one of my favourite monuments in Montreal. The Monument to Sir George-Étienne Cartier. I visited this place many times and it became a place I would go to relax and clear my head and sometimes gain some insights.

Toronto sky line in the distance. This was a walk in one of my favourite lakeside parks. It was a nice sunny spring day, though it was a lot colder then it looked. 

On the left: View of the mt. Royale cross from on top of Montreal. The city looked magical lit up.

On the right: Lights in the snow. Montreal does a nice job at staying lively and colourful all throughout the winter. No matter how cold! The many lights installed made the snow look so magical and vibrant.

Top: Colourful flowers planted by a turquoise wall in downtown Montreal. 
Middle: From a summer walk with family near Toronto.
Bottom: Road trip to Quebec City!

At the cottage

 A nature landscape study at a cottage I stayed at in Quebec. Painted in water color and gouache.

An elephant in my dreams

 Hello, I've been catching up on posting my paintings from my water color journal here: 

I had a dream last in October 2022. Where I was exploring an abandoned city with a former classmate. There was a huge old barn like structure with buildings inside.

Everything was old, worn out and abandoned. When you entered these buildings. The hallways were extremely narrow, enough for just one person at a time. That classmate was leading me around. We were looking for something. The overall mood felt very adventurous. Like some sort of expedition.

We came upon a few apartments that were extremely crammed and tiny. I remember thinking, how did people live here? I then entered a bedroom, and everything looked old and worn out.

Except for a stuffed animal elephant, with universe print fabric. This elephant instantly drew my attention. I intuitively felt it didn't belong and wanted to be taken out of it's current environment. I decided to take it with me and put it in my bag. I felt like I was reclaiming something precious and maybe that's what I was looking for in the dream.

Throughout the day, I kept thinking about the elephant and environment. I enjoy journaling about my dreams and interpreting the messages in them. Some how, I didn't want to forget this elephant. So it lead me to creating this painting with water color and water color pencil crayons.

#dream #elephant #watercolor #painting

Sunday, 7 July 2024

Insights and Illustrations Blog

 Hello everyone!

I wanted to let my viewers know that I have started another blog. I will still be using this blog, though it will remain mainly as my art blog. The idea is for Ewelina's art to be more of a blog for my professional art, VFX, 3D, Painting work. Along with the technical and artists comments regarding the creation of my work. Though there will be overlap between the two blogs

While My Insights and Illustrations blog will be be a collection of more personal and spiritual insights that may attract a different kind of audience. This is something I have been working on in my own time parallel to my professional work I do. It came from the desire to share more authenticity and to creatively expression more through my writing. 

Some of these posts you may recognize as I have posted them on my art blog. I have more that I will be creating as time goes on. 

For my Polish viewers and family. I will make more of an effort to make my posts accessible in polish.

Lastly, I wanted to thank everyone for all the views throughout the last 13 years that I have worked on this Blog. This has been a way for me to offer a window into my world and creations, to connect and take people on a journey through my process. Though at times, I felt like nobody was watching. 

Now I'm very grateful for all the views I have been getting from around the world! 

Lots of love <3 



Witam wszystkich!

Chciałam poinformować moich widzów, że założyłam kolejnego bloga. Nadal będę korzystać z tego bloga, choć pozostanie on głównie moim blogiem o sztuce. Pomysł jest taki, aby twórczość Eweliny była bardziej blogiem dla mojej profesjonalnej twórczości artystycznej, efektów wizualnych, 3D, malarstwa. Wraz z uwagami technicznymi i artystycznymi dotyczącymi powstania mojej pracy. Chociaż oba blogi będą się nakładać

Blog Moje spostrzeżenia i ilustracje będzie zbiorem bardziej osobistych i duchowych spostrzeżeń, które mogą przyciągnąć inny rodzaj odbiorców. Jest to coś, nad czym pracuję równolegle z pracą zawodową. Wynikało to z chęci dzielenia się większą autentycznością i twórczego wyrażania się poprzez moje pisanie.

Niektóre z tych postów być może rozpoznajecie, ponieważ zamieściłem je na moim blogu poświęconym sztuce. Mam ich więcej i będę je tworzyć z biegiem czasu.

Dla moich Polskich widzów i rodziny. Postaram się, aby moje posty były dostępne w języku polskim

Na koniec chcę podziękować wszystkim za wszystkie wyświetlenia, które napłynęły przez ostatnie 13 lat mojej pracy nad tym blogiem. To był dla mnie sposób na udostępnienie okna na mój świat i twórczość, nawiązanie kontaktu i zabranie ludzi w podróż przez mój proces. Chociaż czasami miałam wrażenie, że nikt nie patrzy.

Teraz jestem bardzo wdzięczna za wszystkie widoki, które dostaję z całego świata!

Dużo miłości <3


#blog #Art #authenticity #polka

An Open Tulip in Spring

Study done in procreate

Sorry for the late posts. A lot of change has been happening for me and like the flower opening up. I am slowly opening up my creative world to others again. if you haven't already, make sure to check out my Instagram at: @evysartuniverse

#procreate #digital painting #art